its all hunky dory here
have you heard that expression? I don’t think I've heard if for years but I do remember my mum using it when we were little.
Over the weekend to appease my guilt (at going to the Gathering instead of taking MissM to her first rowing regatta at Lake Barrington with her new club) I decided to make a start on a new MissM quilt and do the sewing for her. I managed to pick up three different fat quarter packs at sample spree in Houston for her… she loved them all thankfully but the first we chose to work with was the new range by Chez Moi called, you guessed it,,,’Hunky Dory’.
Tess is claiming ownership of this one when its done! I like it so far I think – and MissM was impressed – what do you think?
I’ll let you in on a little secret – this whole fat quarter pack (at least 2 kgs) was smuggled home in the lining of my jacket – I did tell you about those travel tips didn't I? thankfully it was too warm to have to wear my jacket as it would have looked like I was carrying an extra 10kgs on my hips I am sure!!! When flying now every pound counts and the only thing they don’t weigh is you!
hugs for today
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