my word - DREAM
I am a big dreamer…. and I dream big! but I think that is okay isn't it? My problem is that I can dream big things but then I procrastinate and lose confidence that I would ever be capable of realising those dreams..and so I leave them floating…and find other things to delay their realisation..
Walt Disney said:
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
So its courage and confidence I have searched for to pursue my long time dream of:
yes yes yes…. my very own fabric…It has been a long time in coming, I know, there were so many other dreams, plans and obstacles (the main one being me) that got in the way of this… If I was going to do it I wanted to do it my way… baby steps, learning the process, teaching myself every step of the way – to the final point – my name on a selvedge!
Strike offs have arrived, a few minor colour changes and I will be so excited to show you all at Spring Market in Kansas when it is released…for now I have been given permission to let you in on my little secret…just a small range to start with (believe me once I finally started I could have just kept going)… I do hope you will all love it!
so, there is so much to do…. patterns to design, make and write, a booth to design and prepare, Schoolhouse and Take and Teach kits to prepare, this is all very exciting but scary at the same time…. and I am dreaming about it every night!
I need to keep reminding myself of Joy Page’s words:
‘Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.’
jumping up and down with excitement hugs today as I can finally show you..
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