Angel project from Leonie of The Quilted Crow
We do apologise for the slight delay but it was worth waiting for.
Oooh – how exciting! It is finally my turn! Well, after a small hiccup yesterday, at last here is my project for all of you stitching angels out there. I have made my project from 100% felted wool which I adore working with but it can also be made entirely in cotton fabrics using your chosen method of appliqué.
You will need:
12” x 8” piece of 100% dusty pink felted wool (Apple Blossom)
6” x 4” piece of 100% cream felted wool for inside of needlecase
12” x 8” cream print for base of pincushion & lining of needlecase
45” cream ric rac (½” wide)
Small scraps of 100% felted wool in Spring Fern (soft green for stems & leaves), Forest Green (dark green for base of rose), Pomegranite Herringbone (Rose petal A), Dusty Rose Herringbone (Rose petal B) and Cinnamon (Rose petal C)
Three butter yellow coloured buttons
Ground walnut shells or toy fill for pincushion filling
Stranded DMC - 936, 3857, 632, 3363, 3740
General sewing supplies
Cutting Instructions
From the pink felted wool cut:
One circle for the pincushion (template A)
One piece of template B for the needlecase
From the cream felted wool cut:
One piece of template C for the needlecase
From the cotton fabric cut:
One circle for the pincushion (template A)
One piece of template B for the needlecase
Click here to download the templates Download Angel project templates qc-1
Appliqué Preparation
Trace your shapes onto your freezer paper (dull side up), leaving approximately ¼” between each piece. Cut them out roughly and iron them (shiny side down) onto the felted wool colours as shown in the photo.
Cut each piece out carefully on the line and remove the freezer paper. Remember, these templates can be reused, so don’t throw them away!
To position your appliqué pieces in place, just use small dab of glue from a glue stick or staple your pieces into place using a stapler! The staples will be removed once you have appliquéd each piece. It’s that easy! If you are not comfortable using this method, feel free to baste each piece with needle and cotton.
Using the photo as a guide, position your pieces in place approximately 1“ from the outside of the circle. Blanket stitch them in place using one strand of DMC stranded cotton in the colours listed below. I stitched my initials on the opposite side of the appliqué (1“ from the outside of the circle) in back stitch. The stems are also stitched in back stitch.
Rose branch, leaves, stems & initials - 3363
Base of rose - 936
Rose petal A - 3857
Rose petal B - 3740
Rose petal C - 632
Once your pieces are appliquéd in place, place the two circles right sides together with the ric rac in between the two. The edge of the ric rac needs to sit on the raw edges between the two circles. Baste the three pieces together using a long running stitch, leaving an opening for turning thru. Once basted together and using a scant ¼” stitch on your sewing machine, sew the three pieces together, remembering to leave an opening. Remove the basting stitches and clip at ½” intervals all the way around, being careful not to clip your sewing threads. Turn inside out. Fill with either ground walnut shells or toy fill. Stitch the opening closed in a matching thread. Add a button to the centre of the top and bottom to draw in the centre and give it some definition.
Using the photo as a guide, position your pieces in place using the above technique. The bottom of the stem is approximately ¾“ from the outside edge of the needlecase. The base of the rose is approximately 1¾“ from the outside edge of the needlecase, on a slight angle as you can see in the photo. Blanket stitch them in place using one strand of DMC stranded cotton in the colours listed below. The stems are stitched in back stitch.
Rose stem, leaves, stems & initials - 3363
Base of rose - 936
Rose petal A - 3857
Rose petal B - 3740
Rose petal C - 632
Once your pieces are appliquéd in place, place the two pieces right sides together with the ric rac in between the two. The edge of the ric rac needs to sit on the raw edges between the two pieces. Baste the three pieces together, leaving an opening for turning thru where the needlecase will fold in half. Once basted and using a scant ¼” stitch on your sewing machine, sew the three pieces together, remembering to leave an opening. Remove the basting stitches and clip at ½” intervals all the way around, being careful not to clip your sewing threads. Turn inside out. Slip stitch the opening closed in a matching thread.
Centre your cream piece of felted wool on top of the lining on the inside of the needlecase and stitch a running stitch in cream thread to match the felted wool to hold in place, being careful not to let your stitches show on the outside.
Add a button to the front of the bottom centre of the needlecase for decoration.
Ta da!! All done – how easy was that! Now all you have to do is pop it in the post to your angel.
Now given that there are a lot of people who haven’t worked in the felted wool before, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a chance to win a kit to make both projects – YIPPEE!! We have two kits to give away and I am sure that you all know the drill - leave a comment on our blog and we will let the random generator do the rest!
Until next time,
Leonie & Deirdre – The Quilted Crow Girls
I know you will enjoy this one, if you just love the wool (and it is sooooo nice to work with) and you don’t win their giveaway packs I am sure the girls can sell you a wool kit to make this gorgeous set just the same.
hugs for today and to all angels…
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