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Marketing images and assets are available for your online marketing, advertising, website listing and social media use. There are many images available in various sizes in our Dropbox folders for your use. Please download to your own device then re-upload for your use rather than link directly to our Dropbox folder image files as these may change and your links will be broken. 


Note: these images are all copyrighted and are not to be claimed as your own. Please respect our small business' rights by using them in the spirit they are shared - to assist you in your business and our cross promotional efforts. Credit for images is appreciated but not compulsory as we realise it is just not possible in many online cases. 


Please select the titles below to go to the applicable Dropbox folder. 



47 Lacey Street

90 Minute Lounge Quilt

A Gathering Of Needles

A Stitchy Christmas

Advent Birdees



Applique Club

Applique Paper

Armchair Caddy

Badge Buddy

Bagalicious Plum

Balderdash Bags

Bantry Bay Journal Cover

Beatrice's Boite

Birdy Squared

Blooming Marvelous

Blooming Joy Zip Pouch

Blooming Fantasy

Blossom Bunnies

Bodacious Baggie

Botanical Chix

Bonnie Baskets

Boxed For Chirstmas    

Broidery Bag

Buggles Blue

Bunny Tales

Button Button


Celebrate Joy

Charm Haven


Christmas Club

Christmas Dilly Bag


Clementine Needlebook

Cockamamie Chix

Coddywomple Needlebook

Come Next Spring

Condiddle Carry Bag


Cornelian Christmas

Cupcake Pin Cushion

Dainty Delight


Dear Pierre

Diamond Dilly All

Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Doohickey Pouch

Double Delight Easypeasy Eat Cake Mini Coin Purse Edelweiss EPP Shapes

Fairy Floss


Find Joy

Finnanger Fave

Flora Vallis

Flossie Thread Box

Flower Garden Postcard

Flower Power

Flower Power Red/White


Fly Fly Away

Folder Floret 

Gather Ye Blessings


Gran's Christmas Pud

Gran's Christmas Table

Gran's Famous Jam Drops

Green Green Grass of Home

Hahndorf Happenstance

Handy Scrap Bag

Hanky Panky

Happy Days

Happy Derierre

Heart On Postcard Pattern

Hearts A Penty

Heavens To Betsy

Hexie Go Go Table Runner

Hexe Club

Hippity hop

HNK Minis

Hoity Toity

Holus Bolus Needlebook

Home For Christmas

Home Sweet Home

Honey Vallis

Honeycomb Hokum

How Does Your Garden Grow

Hunky Dory

Hurkle Durkle

I Heart

I Hex

In The Garden Bunny Cushion

Inspired To Stitch

In The Round

In The Good Old Days

Jingle Bell Pouch

Jojo's Garden

Jolly Old Santa


Just For Jenny

Just Joey

Keep 'em Close

Le Fer Tote

Lesley's Lippie Purse

Let It Snow


Life Is Beautiful

Life's Treasures


Loves Me Loves Me Not


Maple Syrup Runner

Merry Berry

Mini Tree Skirt

Mini Spot On Pincushion

Mini Frames

Miss Rose's Rollup

Mug Rugs

My Bestfriend 

My Journal

Needle Know It All

Needle Portafuelle

Needle Nookie

Nesting Matryoushka


O Happy Christmas

Over The Armchair Caddy

Passementerie Play

Peel On Postcard Pattern

Penpals Pouch

Peony Pouch

Perfectly Imperfect Timing

Petite Cherie

Poppycock Pouch

Posey Pair

Posies And Pathways

Pressing Matters

Printable Covers

Printable Covers 

Puddy Cat

Quarter Inch Alliance

Quilt Therapy

Quilt of the Month

Quilt Retailer

Raspberry Ripple


Redwork Club

Regal Pochette

Rules of Life

Santa Stop Here

Sashay And Stitch

Scissor Cozy

Scrappity Doo Dah


Sewing Chatelaine


Simply Applique

Simply Redwork

Simply Seduction

Sisterhood Society

Sit and Stitch

Sit 'n Share

So Tweet


Spirit Of The Season 2

Spoton Postcard 

Stick-iron N Stitch

Stitcher's Santa Stocking

Stitching Mends The Soul

Stitching Camp

Stitch Therapy 365

Stitched Signs

Stitches That Bind Us

Stordalen Garden

Sugarplum Dreams

Sugarplum Dreams - Tilda

Susie's Scrap Bag 

Sweetheart EPP Bowl

Sweet Lovelies

Sweet Sheree

Taffy Apple

Tania's Treasures

Tarradiddle Tote

Tarraleah Stitched

Tea For Two

Tea With Ruth

Temora Traveler

Template Tallyho Booklet

Ten Christmas Wishes

The Cardinal

The Fussy Cut Yazzi Bag

The Rules Of Life

The Rule Of Quilting

Thimble Pip Mini Purse

The Very Big Bag

Thoughts of the Month


Thoughtful Pattern

Thread Card Holder

Tickety Boo

Tickle Your Fancy

Tissue Box Cover

Toolbox Trumpery

Tootie Owl

Treats And Sweets

Twas The Night

Two French Kisses

Two Fruits

Vicky Victoria


Whyalla Wanders

 Windy Days and Sunshine