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Applique Club - Simple Flower Pincushion


From $9.00

To $27.15

A series of simple patterns using Helen's easy gluestick applique technique. Each pattern includes applique paper to make one project. Extra paper can be purchased herePurchase Options:Pattern Only (includes 1/4 sheet Applique paper) ORPattern and fabric kit - original or similar (quality and colour) fabricsAccessories kit - walnut shells ($8.00) For further assistance on the techni...
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    Availability:In stock
    SKU HNK95/8-3

    A series of simple patterns using Helen's easy gluestick applique technique. Each pattern includes applique paper to make one project. Extra paper can be purchased here


    Purchase Options:

    Pattern Only (includes 1/4 sheet Applique paper) 


    Pattern and fabric kitoriginal or similar (quality and colour) fabrics

    Accessories kit - walnut shells ($8.00) 


    For further assistance on the technique visit: 

    Gluestick Applique Tute 

    Video Tutorials 

    More Information
    More Information
    Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
    length 16
    width 12
    height 0.1

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