And We Are A Go…

Well, what a week it's been! Quarter Inch, the brick and mortar home of Hugs ‘n Kisses, opened its doors on Monday – not 100% ready to go, but we survived the week as things progressed.
Its been lovely to meet many whose names I have only known online, chat with local friends and loyal stitchers and those from further afar. I won’t always be in the shop – still designing from my home studio and travelling to teach and show so spending this week has been lovely to be in there talking to you all.
Here are a few peeks!
This has been as many of you know a long time coming, and finally all my goodies are nicely arranged in a perfect little setting for all to be inspired.
our Kona room! – a feast for the eyes – yes the full range of Kona Solids in one room.
The lovely Kat – who will be working in the store plus teaching her amazing bias applique, free motion quilting and more brought these mini hexie cookies and rasberry hearts in for our opening…
Some of our lovely staff- Judy, and Jo and our ‘official cutting of the ribbon’ that Tilly insisted upon..
Please follow our new shop page on Instagram and Facebook for up to date news, spot specials, class info and more – or just to say hi.
If you are going to be visiting town, please let me know and I’ll try and pop down to the shop to say hi (if Im in town). Im only 5 minutes away. We still have a long way to go – with the building of a big shed for storage, cutting, production. packing AND a classroom. – yes so many people asked I relented and we have doubled the size of the proposed shed to include classroom or meeting space…
AND a café – a big challenge for me being a non-coffee drinker – so watch this space girls… we’ll have something for everyone.
so, now its off to Friday night drinks for me – I actually think I’ve earned it this week – not too many though – Im opening tomorrow!
hugs for today