Next up – AQC!

Im madly trying to get some things finished for AQC next week!!!! eeeekkkk along with a book, a fabric range and a café to open…. they do say ask a busy person if you want something done – but pleeeease don’t ask me for anything until about June!
So, this is just a quick note to remind you that, yes, I will be at AQC this year – stand #8 – same place as normal – enter – go to the crossroads and turn left – we are at the end.. (yep, on the way to the ladies room).
Judy has been cutting and packing kits all year, we have some brand new goodies, some old favourites and lots of bundles and offers to tempt you. Jo has been printing, folding and getting me organised and they will both be on stand to answer all your needs and questions.
I am doing a make & take each day 1pm in area #1 – limited to 15 students/kits per day – so yes, do that early morning dash through the doors to get your place – we cannot hold places, its first in each morning. here’s a peek at my project
Yes you’ll get to learn the finer points of clamshells- the Hugs ‘n Kisses way.
I’ll also be doing a presentation each day at 12noon in Room 1 – all things EPP – easy English Paper piecing… if you want to pop in and show me some love
So, who’s coming? do come and say hi…
hugs for today and back to finishing this new quilt in time!