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Hurkle Durkle

From $21.51

To $65.31

Hurkle Durkle ruler bag -Not just another bag – this caddy has pockets for the most useable quilting rulers in your stash – adorned with some applique HNK style.
Lasercut Applique paper templates included in the pattern.

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    Availability:In stock
    SKU HNK279

    Hurkle Durkle ruler bag -Not just another bag – this caddy has pockets for the most useable quilting rulers in your stash – adorned with some applique HNK style.  With easyapplique on the front, a carry handle and three pockets suited to carry a 24 1/2", 12 1/2" and 6 1/2" quilting ruler safely

    Lasercut Applique paper templates included in the pattern.

    Pattern includes: colour cover, full sized layout guides, lasercut applique paper templates.

    Kit includes: All fabrics for bag, (same or similar style and quality to original), Velcro, HNK stabiliser, bag foam, Cosmo thread

    Errata: Please note the following correction if you have an earlier pattern for this project.

    From pocket flap fabric cut:
     3 squares ” x 7½”

    More Information
    More Information
    Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
    Brand Hugs 'n Kisses
    360 Degree Thumbnail /h/u/hurkle-durkle-applique-close.png
    3D Thumbnail /h/u/hurkle-durkle-applique-close.png

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