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Stordalen Garden bom

Stordalen Garden bom

Welcome to Stordalen Garden, an 8 part quilt as you go, applique, scrappy project by Hugs n Kisses in honour of my parent's garden. 

Quilt size 60" x 70"

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Availability:In stock
SKU HNK200pp

Welcome to Stordalen Garden, an 8 part quilt as you go, applique, scrappy project by Hugs n Kisses in honour of my parent's garden. 

Quilt size 60" x 70"

We have several options to purchase for this project.


Pattern only

Pattern & laser cut paper template kit 

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More Information
Pattern Only pattern only
Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
Brand Hugs 'n Kisses
length 16
width 21
height .5

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