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The Rules of Quilting

From $16.50

To $44.00

A fun take on the ‘rules of quilting’.
Acronyms, tools, sayings that we all love and know.
Mini quilt measures 20” square.
Iron on Transfer included


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    Availability:In stock
    SKU HNK195/19

    A fun take on the ‘rules of quilting’.
    Acronyms, tools, sayings that we all love and know.
    Mini quilt measures 20” square.
    Iron on Transfer included

    Purchase Options:

    Pattern Only

    -includes iron on transfer 


    Fabric Kit

    -includes all fabrics***, Cosmo  threads, and stabilisers. Does not include batting or backing fabric.

    ***Original fabric no longer available, kits have been replaced with similar style and colour

    More Information
    More Information
    Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
    Brand Hugs 'n Kisses
    360 Degree Thumbnail /t/h/the-rules-of-quilting-cover-pic_2.png
    3D Thumbnail /t/h/the-rules-of-quilting-cover-pic_2.png

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