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A hearty Cottage Garden iron on transfer


Order this iron on transfer for your Hearty Cottage garden PDF pattern purchased separately if you'd rather transfer your design easily by iron, instead of tracing.

The PDF patter must be purchased separately as a download PDF file.

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Availability:In stock
SKU HNK266-t

Designed for the Hearts for Pam Initiative, (raising funds to support an iconic Australian business through a rough patch) this project is now available as  a PDF download file. Threads used are Cottage garden threads but you can substitute from your stash. An iron on transfer is also available as a separate product requiring postage.

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Manufacturer Hugs 'n Kisses
Brand Hugs 'n Kisses
360 Degree Thumbnail /h/e/hearts-for-pam-full-flat_1.png
3D Thumbnail /h/e/hearts-for-pam-full-flat_1.png

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